by ddfreedishnews | Oct 14, 2020 | Tech News
Nobel laureate Mario Molina dies at 77, after sounding alarm for ozone layer depletion in 1974- Technology News, DD FreedishNews The New York TimesOct 14, 2020 12:26:27 ISTMario Molina, who shared a Nobel Prize for work showing the damage that chemicals used in hair...
by ddfreedishnews | Oct 12, 2020 | Tech News
Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to Paul Milgrom, Robert Wilson for contributions and innovation in auction theory- Technology News, DD FreedishNews tech2 News StaffOct 12, 2020 18:07:21 ISTThe 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics, also called the Memorial Sveriges Riksbank...
by ddfreedishnews | Oct 8, 2020 | Tech News
Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to three astrophysicists for their work on black holes- Technology News, DD FreedishNews The New York TimesOct 08, 2020 09:24:28 ISTThe Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to three astrophysicists Tuesday for work that was literally out...
by ddfreedishnews | Oct 7, 2020 | Tech News
Nobel Prize in chemistry awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for work on CRISPR gene editing- Technology News, DD FreedishNews The Associated PressOct 07, 2020 19:19:50 ISTStockholm: Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in chemistry Wednesday for...
by ddfreedishnews | Oct 7, 2020 | Tech News
Nobel Prize 2020 in Physics awarded to Penrose, Genzel and Ghez for findings in cosmology, black holes- Technology News, DD FreedishNews tech2 News StaffOct 07, 2020 08:19:17 ISTThe 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Roger Penrose from Britain,...